Monday, April 14, 2008

Writing Prompt - Spimes

"Spimes are coming anyway, because every one of those menaces is also some kind of opportunity. Spimes will change everything because everything needs to change. Things need to change quickly and radically, because the industrial system we have today cannot persist. It cannot find enough energy and raw materials."
-Bruce Sterling

Do you think Spimes are benficial or an intrusion? Why? Are they an evolution from artifacts, machines, products and gizmos?

I believe that Spimes are very intrusive, but in some cases they can be beneficial. Spimes seem to have the potential to track people and have access to very personal information. This definitely pops my personal bubble. The thought of the capability of Spimes truly scares me. However, I do think it is beneficial due to the convenience (like having the credit card inserted in your finger) or having your child own a cell phone that is able to track them down if they happen to be kidnapped. Even though Spimes are beneficial in this aspect, there is too much personal space being violated.

When I become a parent, I would rather not have the constant vigilance of my child because I believe in learning from your mistakes. However, I might get the cell phone GPS tracker just in case my child is abducted. I would not try and use it to see where my child is at all times because I want to be able to have my child trust me enough to tell me the truth and not be punished for telling the truth.

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