Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blogs and Social Sites

While reading “Facing my Facebook self,” I thought it was very interesting how he described his Facebook self as something better than he ever could be. He also claimed that it was a consistent version to which he could not commit. I do not understand this at all. I believe that people are putting their Facebook self on this pedestal which it should not be placed upon. Also, I believe I have mentioned this before in my other blogs, I really do not understand why people cannot be true to themselves on their Facebook profiles. I completely understand untagging yourself from pictures of you underage drinking due to the fact that you probably will get caught if you are involved in school activities or are trying to get a serious job. However, untagging a goofy picture because you are afraid of what people might think of you is idiotic. People need to stop trying to be what others want them to be and just be themselves. There is no way anybody could be happy living with these restrictions and with the guilt that their friends do not actually know the real person inside.

When I read on in “Facing my Facebook self,” I read about how he made up his profile and how he put so much thought into it to make sure that his “favs” showed different, good qualities about him. When I created my Facebook profile, I really did not put that much thought into it. Some of the parts are not even completed because I got lazy. Granted, I am friends with a lot of people on Facebook, but the people who I really care about already know what I like and know who I am so there is no need to try and be at the top of my game when it comes to my Facebook self.

After reading “On Facebook Scholars Link Up With Data,” I thought it was very interesting (and goes along with my way of thinking about Facebook) that studies showed that people with 800 friends or more are seen as popular on Facebook, but they are actually insecure. I completely agree with this. How could somebody have that many friends. Well, I guess the point is that they really do not have that many friends, they just friend random people or they accept friend requests from people they barely know to look like they have a ton of friends. I think it is all so silly. Get over yourself, people!!! Stop trying to be somebody you are not!!!

Now on to blogs… When reading “Blogging, the nihilist impulse,” I could not believe the numbers of people blogging. I think blogging is ridiculous. Well, the personal diary ones that people make public so everybody can see how dumb their life is. However, I do think it is acceptable (notice my use of acceptable and not cool, neat, or awesome) when people document a trip via blog, so their friends can see what nifty things they did while in Jamaica.

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