Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mobile Writing

Mobile writing has become part of our everyday life. Texting is always occurring and people can get e-mail and access the internet through cell phones. Mobile writing has become something that is constantly around us as a society. It has also become an object that society cannot seem to live without. It has become so important to us as a whole that we believe it to be some parasite that has defeated us and sucked out the life force in each and every person who owns a cell phone and now we are unable to live without it.

Text messaging has become such a big thing because it is quick and you can do something else and talk to other people orally while having a texting conversation with somebody else. Texting has become the secret chat because when you are unable to talk on the phone with somebody in fear of disturbing somebody or something you are able to have a complete discussion with somebody without anybody really knowing about it. Also, nobody can overhear a text message conversation. It is able to be fairly private and only viewable by the people in the conversation. That is not entirely true, but it seems more private than Facebook wall posts and more private than a phone conversation in which somebody could easily eavesdrop.

While reading some of the assignments for this week, I was completely freaked out about the readings that dealt with spimes. I cannot believe that we could be heading in that direction. It is just getting a little too close to home and way too close to me in regards of bursting my personal bubble. The technologies that Bruce Sterling mentioned in “When Blobjects Rule the Earth” have been really useful in society, but I would never want to see those sort of technologies used for tracking me down. I like the way I still have some form of personal space and privacy, but it seems that we are losing it by the second. I also am really opposed to parents having complete access to their children’s cell phone conversations and having a GPS on their cell phones. The children need to learn from their mistakes, but how are they going to make them if Mommy and Daddy are constantly holding them under their thumbs? It is creepy to me that parents are so concerned. I understand being concerned about a child, but stalking them? I believe that has gone a little too far.

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