Wednesday, May 7, 2008

FLARF AND OTHER WEB-GENERATED TEXTS, March 21: Amanda Cook and Katie Kane

The presentation on flarf and other web-generated texts by Amanda and Katie was well put together in my opinion. I believed they had a lot of good quotes and other examples of web-generated text that went well with the presentation. I believe that their presentation was a little heavy on the web-generated texts rather than the flarf, but I completely understand since we were on the subject of technotexts again and for some reason it seems that our class does not remember class topics that were taught mere weeks ago. I really enjoyed watching and listening to the examples presented by Amanda and Katie. The Korean technotext was a very new experience for me, but I would have rather just watched the poem and listened to the music rather than try and read the poem and deduce a meaning from it that went along with the music and the way the text was being presented. I also like the technotext that had the letters that would form into words and change color. I thought it was really funny that the nonsensical words would turn red and then blow up. It was just amazing to me how somebody could write a program for that.

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