Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Uncreative Writing

Uncreative writing is a very odd topic for me. I do not quite understand it all. I completely agree with Truman Capote’s thought that uncreative writing is not writing, but typing. That is how I felt when I did my own uncreative writing piece. I felt as if I was just entering data into a word processor without thinking about the meaning of the words I was typing. I also was not thinking creatively in the least. I do not believe that one creative thought entered my head. I was just completely in the zone of transferring the information I was reading to my hands to type which then translated the motions into words on a Microsoft Word document.

Also, when we were assigned to look at Kenneth Goldsmith’s Weather, I could not even get through the first line. I knew that there was not a chance in hell that this could be interesting so I did not bother to read it. That is another reason why I do not understand the purpose of uncreative writing. Well, at least, I do not understand the purpose of publishing uncreative writing. It is completely pointless because it just copied something that already existed. At the time of the first publication, not the uncreative writing copied publication mind you, the information was pertinent to the situation at the time and important to some people. However, when it is copied again, I do not see the reason for reading it at all. Why would somebody feel the need to publish that sort of work? I can sort of understand that simply typing clears the mind and you become sort of a robot in that you have no feelings or thoughts whatsoever while in the process of uncreative writing. It is somewhat relaxing to create an uncreative writing piece, but I do not understand why this would need to be made public.

I also thought that it was slightly humorous that Kenneth Goldsmith had this whole definition and meaning planned out to his crazy form of writing which he calls uncreative. It is uncreative all right, but it also seems dumb and pointless. I just could not believe that he put that much thought into something that can be so simply defined. Here, I will show you how easy it is. I can define his “uncreative” writing in one simple middle school word… Plagiarism. Yup, I said it. That is all uncreative writing is. I do understand that Kenneth Goldsmith cites his works, but are they internally cited? Well, I guess that the plagiarism is not a true definition of uncreative writing because some people (Kenneth Goldsmith) choose to waste their time actually writing down movements that his body has gone through during the day. Why don’t you do something meaningful with your life like save a third world country?

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