Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Word Processors and Computer Word Processing

I believe that there is such a difference in computer word processing than in any other form of word processing. In computer word processing everything looks uniform and the words become so transparent on the computer screen. I believe that words lose their meanings and that the author in a way is lost. I think that handwriting is such a tell tale sign of who a person really is. It can tell a story without even reading the letters. It truly enhances the words on the page and having something tangible like a piece of paper that is being read off of is so much more meaningful to me than reading something off of a computer screen. It scares me a little that handwriting is being used less and less. I feel as if identity is lost. If handwriting goes, I believe that many facets that make us ourselves will be gone.

It is interesting that in one of the readings there is a quote that talks about how new innovations paves the way for another interpretation of art. “We must expect great innovations to transform the entire technique of the arts, thereby affecting artistic invention itself and perhaps even bringing about an amazing change in our very notion of art.” This made me think a little about what I was just talking about and how if handwriting goes than identity might be lost as well. Well, what if we looked at losing handwriting as gaining art. I am positive that once handwriting becomes somewhat obsolete, we will have artist recreating handwritten works as art pieces. Since it will not be a common form anymore, handwriting will become a delicacy in the artists’ world. With the loss of handwriting, handwriting as an art form and not as a commonality is gained. I suppose that people got used to the new technologies and found new ways of indentifying themselves. If it so happens again with handwriting, I believe society will just find a new way of doing the same thing. This will create new and interesting things to study and it will have a huge impact on the lives of everybody involved.

This is a very rapidly changing time in our lives and I can only wait and see what comes out of this exponentially growing race of technologies. I am so happy to be living during this time to see the new and interesting ways people are inventing on doing new or even the same old stuff better. Computer word processing is only the tip of the iceberg.

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