Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More Technotexts

I think technotexts are odd and weird and creepy and deep and just something that I could never ever hope to fully understand. Some of the technotexts that we were to view as homework were just so out there that it was hard for me to take them seriously.

When looking at all of the technotext on Anipoems, I enjoyed just letting my eyes relax and watching the moving letters and words. It was enjoyable and very relaxing just to go through them all and watch the movement and make the connections about how the movement relates to the poem or word. However, I find them completely pointless with no meaning. It relaxes my eyes enough for me to fall asleep, but I really tried to find a deeper meaning to it all, but I could not find it. I think this particular version is pointless and pretty uncreative. I do not see a reason for it at all.

I really had a lot of fun doing the Field of Dreams experiment. I used to play Mad-Libs all the time when I was a kid and actually got a couple of books of Mad-Libs two Christmases ago. I love them. Some of them are so funny that one could never attempt to achieve that sort of humor without doing it through a Mad-Lib. They are fun and they also teach kids types of words and what they are.

I find a lot of technotext hard to read. Like the Neo poem that we had to look at for homework. It was cool because of the arrangement of letters and how they moved on the screen, but I did not successfully find a meaning to the poem. I just think a lot of this techno text is cool to look at, but I can never derive a deeper meaning from them. It just seems like a fruitless effort to try and be so abstract with whatever they are trying to say. I guess the Neo poem just went through the alphabet and did cool things with the letters and showed some words that started with those letters. Is there supposed to be a deeper meaning? Hopefully there is, because if there is not, I just think this is somewhat a waste of time. It is not a complete waste of time because it is fun to watch. That would be an even better point because then the creator actually achieved something.

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